As a higher education policymaker, you often face urgent challenges and demands that call for swift and informed decisions. In these situations, you require concrete evidence and precise recommendations to shape future policies and initiatives effectively. The UNESCO-IESALC Policy Brief Series is a set of concise publications meets this demand by directly addressing the concerns of higher education policymakers. Each Policy Brief explores specific challenges within the sector, explores actionable policy choices, and offers tangible recommendations for decision-makers in higher education systems worldwide.

Each UNESCO-IESALC Policy Briefs addresses a concrete policy question and include: 

  • An executive summary, providing the main findings and policy recommendations

  • A brief discussion of the context and the problem at stake 

  • policy analysis exploring policy options to address the problem, supported by examples

  • Concrete and specific policy recommendations 


Policy briefThe representation of women in academia and higher education management positions.
IESALC – March 2023