Expert consultation
As part of IESALC’s project on the Futures of Higher Education, we collaborated with higher education experts from every part of the world. Our team of experts are highly distinguished figures with extensive experience in teaching, researching and/or enacting higher education. Working with these experts, we have generated innovative and visionary ideas about the purpose and functions of higher education around the world as it might be thirty years from now.
Each expert prepared a concept note sharing their views, ideas, and expertise on the two key questions this project is exploring:
How would you like higher education to be in 2050?
How could higher education contribute to better futures for all in 2050?
The concept notes are publicly available and have been translated into English, French and Spanish.
In addition, IESALC together with the UNESCO Future of Learning and Innovation team organized a series of workshops with this group.
Image source: IESALComposite image of the expert consultation team in March 2021.
The workshops provided opportunities to dialogue and develop the ideas and thinking developed in the concept notes. The findings of this consultation phase were published in the report Thinking Higher and Beyond: Perspectives on the Futures of Higher Education to 2050
Watch the webinar at which the report from this phase of the project was launched.