Higher education is an essential steppingstone in the development of countries and, as such, it is called to play a central role in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This potential for impact entails a responsibility to act for higher education institutions, but moving from decentralized, occasional initiatives to systematic, wholistic approaches to increase their contribution to the SDGs requires better information about their current situation, and clear benchmarks.
UNESCO IESALC has created several materials, and in particular the SET4HEI evaluation tool, to help HEIs around the world better measure their contributions to the SDGs, and to set up or consolidate their sustainability strategies.


SET4HEI – The sustainability evaluation tool for higher education institutions

SET4HEI (Sustainability Evaluation Tool for Higher Education Institutions) is a free, online and open resource for higher education institutions to map their current and potential future contributions to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In late 2023, the SET4HEI ‘beta’ version was launched and is available to gather feedback.

The final version of SET4HEI will be launched in 2024. The assessments and the website will be then available in English and Spanish.

Guidelines for the implementation of sustainability in higher education institutions

The document “General Guidelines for the Implementation of Sustainability in Higher Education Institutions” (2023) provides orientation for higher education institutions´s leaders to systematize and maximize the contributions of their institutions towards the United Nations 2030 Agenda. These guidelines are a starting point that highlights general steps to consider and high-level actions to lead a shift towards sustainability within higher education institutions.