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Follow-up meeting to the Regional Conference on Higher Education: CRES+5 | Day 1

13 March 2024

Thanks to the support of various sectors and agencies of the Secretariat of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, the Federative Republic of Brazil and the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (IESALC), the follow-up meeting of the Regional Conference on Higher Education (CRES+5), known as CRES+5, will be held from March 13-15, 2024 in Brasilia, the federal capital of Brazil.

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Program Wednesday 13

07:00 to 20:00 Registration
Registration area/Cloakroom 

08:30 to 09:00 Welcome coffee
Coffee-break area

09:00 to 12:00 Opening of CRES+5.
Screening of video on the CRES+5, speeches by authorities. Cultural Presentation (Choro Livre)
Minister of Education, Camilo Santana
Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Izolda Cela
Secretary of Higher Education, Alexandre Brasil
President of Capes, Denise Carvalho
Director of UNESCO IESALC, Francesc Pedró
Director of UNESCO Brazil, Marlova Noleto
President of ENLACES, Oscar Domingues
President of OCLAE, Miguel Ángel Machado Rojas
Representative of OCLAE in Brazil, Amanda Harumy

Auditorium (broadcast on the MEC Channel)

12:00 to 13:30 Lunch
Free. CICB Restaurant or Outside

13:30 to 15:30
Symposium Thematic Axis 1 – Higher education as part of the education system in Latin America and the Caribbean
Room 1

Coordinator: Axel Didrikson, UNAM, Mexico
Speakers: Estela Miranda (UNC, Argentina); Luiz Fernandes Dourado (ANPAE e FNE, Brazil); Elias de Pádua Monteiro (CONIF, Brazil)

Symposium Thematic Axis 2 – Higher education, cultural diversity and interculturality in Latin America
Room 2

Coordinator: Sandra de Deus (UFRGS, Brazil)
Speakers: Myriam Moïse (Carribean Studies, Jamaica); José Jorge de Carvalho (Rede Internacional do Encontro de Saberes, Brazil); Valdenice José Raimundo (UNICAP, CRUB, Brazil)

Symposium Thematic Axis 3 – Higher Education, internationalization and integration in Latin America and the Caribbean
Room 3

Coordinator: Nicolas Maillard (UFRGS, Brazil)
Speakers: Alvaro Rico (AUGM, Uruguay); Miguel Ángel Machado Rojas (OCLAE, Cuba); Victor Moriñigo (ENLACES, Argentina)

15:30 to 16:00 Coffee-break
Coffee-break area

16:00 to 18:00
Symposium Thematic Axis 4 – Role of higher education in the face of social challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean
Room 1

Coordinator: Estela Miranda (UNC, Argentina)
Speakers: Rosa Maria Torres (UPM, Mexico); Karina Batthyány (CLACSO); Vinicius Soares (ANPG, Brazil)

Symposium Thematic Axis 5 – Scientific and technological research and innovation as engines of human, social and economic development for Latin America and the Caribbean
Room 2

Coordinator: René Alberto Ramirez Gallegos (Mexico)
Speakers: Elizabeth Bernal Gamboa (Colombia);  Elibio Leopoldo Rech Filho (ABC, Brazil); Luis Armando González Placencia (ANUIES, Mexico)

Symposium Thematic Axis 6 – Strategic role of higher education in the sustainable development of Latin America and the Caribbean
Room 3

Coordinator: Paulo Andrés Falcón, Argentina
Speakers: Jorge Calzoni (UDUALC, Argentina); Fernanda Sobral (SBPC, Brazil); Manuella Mirella Nunes da Silva (UNE, Brazil)

18:00 to 20:30 Round Table 1 – Day 1 Symposium Coordinators
Auditorium (broadcast on the MEC Channel)

Speakers: Coordinators of Thematic Axes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
Axis 1: Axel Didrikson (UNAM, Mexico)
Axis 2: Sandra de Deus (UFRGS, Brazil)
Axis 3: Nicolas Maillard (UFRGS, Brazil)
Axis 4: Estela Miranda (UNC, Argentina)
Axis 5: René Alberto Ramirez Gallegos (Mexico)
Axis 6: Paulo Andrés Falcón (Argentina)


13 March 2024