The Strategic Role of Higher Education in the Sustainable Development of the Caribbean

  • Bynoe Paulette University of Guyana
Palabras clave: higher education, sustainable development, good practices.


Education as a process allows human beings and societies to reach their fu­llest potential, while improving their capacity to address environment and development issues (Chapter 36, Agenda 21); by reasoning therefore, higher education should be pivotal to the achievement of sustainable development of the Caribbean Re­gion. Currently, however, there are many issues that must be addressed by the Caribbean Community gover­nments and higher education institu­tions prior to the realization of such laudable goals. The purpose of this Case Study is to demystify the typo­logies of Education for Sustainable Development, examine the current sustainable development practice of the University of Guyana in respect of its academic programmes and curri­cula, institutional practice regarding resource consumption (including water, energy, and paper), research agenda, and services (including po­licy advice) to the wider society. To this end, the research strategy entai­led desk review of documents, key in­formants’ semi-structured interviews, and a survey of lecturers. The results highlight good practices can be repli­cated or scaled up, as well as gaps and opportunities for improvement.

Biografía del autor/a

Bynoe Paulette, University of Guyana

Dr. Paulette Bynoe is a Senior Lecturer and the former Dean of the Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the Universi­ty of Guyana. She has a PhD in Geography (University of Sussex, UK); an MPhil in Environmental Education (University of Brad­ford); and a BSc in Geography (University of Guyana). In 2010, Dr. Bynoe was awarded a Chevening Scholarship to study the Eco­nomics of Climate Change at the Wolfson College (Cambridge University, UK). She has approximately 22 years of professional accomplishment as an inter-disciplinary trained Environmental Specialist, and teaches post-graduate and courses in communi­ty disaster risk management, environmental impact assessment, environmental research methods, and environmental resources policy. Her research interests are in environmental education, natural resources and environmental policy, sustainable liveli­hoods and climate change and disaster vulnerability. In 2015, Dr. Bynoe was awarded the Golden Arrow of Achievement for her contribution to environmental education and training, re­search, and the development of policies on natural resources management. Dr. Bynoe currently serves nationally and regionally as a mem­ber of the National Steering Committee on the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility programme, as Co-Chair of the Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) Edu­cation Sub-Sector Committee, and Convenor of the Caribbean Examination Council Advanced Subject Panel on Green Engi­neering. She is also Guyana’s Lead Climate Change Negotiator, among others.

Cómo citar
Paulette, B. (2019). The Strategic Role of Higher Education in the Sustainable Development of the Caribbean. Revista Educación Superior Y Sociedad (ESS), 31(31), 60-90. Recuperado a partir de
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